colloque " The Innocent Wars: Anglo-Franco-Dutch Intellectual Networks in the Early Enlightenment / Les Guerres innocentes: reseaux intellectuels anglo-franco-néerlandais dans la première modernité"

Le 5 décembre 2019

Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO)
2-10 Norham Road
Oxford, OX2 6SE 



9.30-9.45 : Welcome.

9.45-10.30 : Dmitri Levitin (All Souls College, Oxford), “'The Sponge of all Religions: Pierre Bayle, the Manicheans, and the rationality of predestinarian dogma.”

10.30-11.15 : Maxime Jacqueline (IHRIM, ENS de Lyon), “Le libre arbitre, cadeau empoisonné? William King, Jacques Bernard et Pierre Bayle sur la valeur de la liberté.”

Session chair : Sarah Mortimer (Christ Church, Oxford)

11.15-11.45 :  Coffee

11.45-12.30 : Antony McKenna (IHRIM, St. Etienne) and Gianluca Mori ((Vercelli; in absentia): “A Franco-Dutch mystery: the Réflexions morales et métaphysiques.”

Session chair : Nicholas Cronk (Voltaire Foundation, Oxford University)

12.30-14.00 : Lunch

14.00-14.45 : Natasha Bailey (New College, Oxford), “A Student in the Republic of Letters: James Merrick and Greek Editing, c. 1740.”

14.45-15.30 : Howard Hotson (St. Anne’s College, Oxford), “‘The Dutch Dimension of Hartlib’s Circle.”

Session chair : Noel Malcolm (All Souls, Oxford)

15.30-16.00 : Coffee

16.00-16.45 : Ian Maclean (All Souls College, Oxford and the University of St Andrews), “The Impact of Academic Journals on the German Book Fairs, 1665-1686.”

16.45-17.30 : Martine Pécharman (CRAL, CNRS, Paris), “Cudworth's 'Plastick Life of Nature' as a source of disagreement in the Republic of Letters: the 1704-1706 quarrel between Bayle and Le Clerc.”

Session chair : Maria Rosa Antognazza (King’s College London)