Séminaire "Modernités britanniques": “‘Heav’ns Deputies of State below’: The Divine Right of Kings in Restoration Plays of Persia”_14/11/2019

Le 14 novembre 2019

ENS de Lyon, salle D2-002, 15 parvis René Descartes, 69007 Lyon


“‘Heav’ns Deputies of State below’: The Divine Right of Kings in Restoration Plays of Persia”
Intervention de Chloe Houston (University of Reading)

Présentation :
Chloe Houston teaches Renaissance literature at the University of Reading (UK). Her research is in early modern literature and performance, and especially the representation of cultural and religious difference, travel and travel writing, and religious identity. Her first book was a study of Renaissance utopias from 1516 to the mid seventeenth century, The Renaissance Utopia: Dialogue, Travel and the Ideal Society (2014), and she also edited a collection on travel and utopia New Worlds Reflected: Travel and Utopia in the Early Modern Period (2010). She is currently writing a book on the portrayal of the Persian empire in English drama in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and I am currently this subject.



Séminaire ouvert à tous dans la limite des places disponibles

Séance organisée avec le soutien du département LLCE de l’ENS de Lyon, de l'IHRIM (UMR CNRS 5317) et du Labex COMOD.

Organisé dans le cadre de l'Aire "Modernités britanniques"